Saturday, 5 March 2011

Have Best Buy got the Best Way?

When a retailer becomes very strong in their home market they can become emboldened to believe that their format has great international appeal & move overseas.  Best Buy is one such retailer, initially very slow to internationalise, then in recent years a lot of talk of their ambition including opening 80 large out of town stores in the UK.  Quite why the UK market was chosen remains a mystery to me – it is a highly competitive market with large established players in the form of Dixons & Comet, and a market in which increasingly sales are moving to inevitably cheaper on-line retailers spearheaded by Amazon.  So in the UK they have entered a competitive and shrinking market!
Just last week came the news that Best Buy will withdraw from 9 stores in China & their entire estate of 2 stores in Turkey.  Does this represent a ‘failure’ in these markets, or the emergence of better investment opportunities?  Given the scale of Best Buys resources I don’t think that these withdrawals will provide significant new sources of investment capital & so we have to put it down to returns in these stores not matching expectations – expectations presumably then that weren’t realistic or well enough researched?  I do hope the UK market follows the same course, whatever happens given their slow start in the UK, the ambition for 80 stores now does not seem likely to be realised.

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